Current Selection (2799)
Ceiling Lighting
- Flush Mount (595)
- Mid Sized Chandeliers (408)
- Mini-Pendants (271)
- Entrance/Foyer (263)
- Down Light (248)
- Semi Flush Mount (236)
- Accessories (13)
- Down Light (248)
- Entrance/Foyer (263)
- Flush Mount (595)
- Large Foyer Chandeliers (101)
- Recessed Light Housings (81)
- Mid Sized Chandeliers (408)
- Mini Chandeliers (157)
- Mini-Pendants (271)
- Multi Light Pendants (38)
- Trim Kits (190)
- Up Light (88)
- Drum Pendants (44)
- Linear Pendants (66)
- Semi Flush Mount (236)
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Bronze Tones (730)
Brushed Nickel Tones (688)
Blacks (443)
Whites (249)
Silvers (152)
Chrome (122)
Blacks (443)
Blues (6)
Brass Tones (91)
Bronze Tones (730)
Browns (35)
Brushed Nickel / Pewter Tones (35)
Brushed Nickel Tones (688)
Chrome (122)
Clear / Translucent (23)
Copper Tones (2)
Gold Tones (65)
Greens (2)
Greys (16)
Iron Tones (18)
N/A (10)
Neutrals (1)
Pewter Tones (1)
Polished Nickel Tones (95)
Silvers (152)
Steel (12)
Unique Finishes (1)
Whites (249)
Wood Tones (2)
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Price Range
Under $50 (200)
$50-$99 (384)
$100-$199 (610)
$200-$299 (405)
$300-$399 (277)
$400-$499 (219)
$500-$599 (160)
$600-$699 (122)
$700-$799 (102)
$800-$899 (92)
$900-$999 (63)
$1000 and over (165)
Transitional (794)
Contemporary (411)
Traditional (289)
Farmhouse Modern (280)
Industrial (155)
Mid-Century Modern (143)
Coastal (102)
Contemporary (411)
Craftsman/Rustic Lodge (70)
Farmhouse Modern (280)
Global (38)
Industrial (155)
Luxe (129)
Mid-Century Modern (143)
Modern (26)
Traditional (289)
Transitional (794)
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Progress (2799)
Kichler (2119)
Generation Lighting (2086)
Hinkley (1826)
Maxim (1347)
Capital Lighting (1270)
Nuvo Lighting (509)
Capital Lighting (1270)
Elan (11)
Generation Lighting (2086)
Hinkley (1826)
Kichler (2119)
Kohler (12)
Maxim (1347)
Nuvo Lighting (509)
Satco (6)
Zurn (1)
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Fixture Width
Fixture Height
1-7" (825)
8-15" (788)
16-20" (358)
21-26" (355)
27-32" (200)
33-36" (53)
37-45" (57)
46-56" (10)
70"+ (1)
- Melon (43)
- Inspire (35)
- Trinity (32)
- Eclipse (31)
- LED Flush Mount (29)
- Bravo (29)
- 10'' Fitter (3)
- 3IN Cylinders (3)
- 4" Recessed Housing (3)
- 4" Recessed Trim (7)
- 5IN CYL RNDS (5)
- 6" Recessed Housing (2)
- 6" Recessed Trim (9)
- 6" Shallow Recessed Housing (2)
- 6" Shallow Recessed Trim (3)
- 6" Slope Recessed Housing (3)
- 6" Slope Recessed Trim (3)
- 6IN CYL RNDS (5)
- Academy (5)
- Adagio (3)
- Adley (19)
- Aiken (2)
- Alabaster (2)
- Alexa (20)
- Allaire (4)
- Americana (15)
- Anjoux (12)
- Apogee (10)
- Appeal (16)
- Applause (13)
- Archie (21)
- Archives (8)
- Arden (10)
- Arya (6)
- Ashbury (6)
- Aspen Creek (2)
- Assembly Hall (6)
- Astra (9)
- Atwell (18)
- Austelle (8)
- Avalon (11)
- Avant (2)
- Ballinger (1)
- Barnes Mill (3)
- Barril LED (4)
- Bastille (3)
- Bay Court (2)
- Beaker (2)
- Beaumont (2)
- Bedford (4)
- Bergamo (4)
- Beveled Glass (7)
- Beyond (5)
- Bezel (3)
- Bezel LED (6)
- Bingo (7)
- Blakely (9)
- Bonita (8)
- Bonn (6)
- Bowman (10)
- Box LED (2)
- Brandywine (6)
- Bravo (29)
- Breckenridge (8)
- Briarwood (14)
- Brookside (4)
- Burgess (10)
- Cahill (5)
- Caisson (4)
- Calder (4)
- Calhoun (8)
- Canebrake (2)
- Cantata (13)
- Captarent LED (1)
- Captivate (2)
- Carbon (3)
- Caress (9)
- Carisa (8)
- Carriage Hill (4)
- Cascadia (12)
- Cayce (2)
- Cazbah (2)
- Celeste (2)
- Centre (6)
- Chadwick (8)
- Chambers (4)
- Chandra (3)
- Chastain (4)
- Cherish (2)
- Chronicle (3)
- Cinq (6)
- Cirrine (3)
- Cirro (2)
- Clarion (16)
- Classic (15)
- Classic Dome Pendant (5)
- Clayton (6)
- Clear Glass Lanterns (4)
- Clifton Heights (16)
- Cloud (2)
- Club (3)
- Cofield (16)
- Collins (2)
- Compass (5)
- Concourse (1)
- Cones (2)
- Conestee (6)
- Copeland (3)
- Cordin (5)
- Cordova (6)
- Crestwood (3)
- Cuddle (2)
- Cumberland (3)
- Dazzle (3)
- Debut (8)
- Derby (1)
- Desiree (6)
- Directional (1)
- Directionals (9)
- District (4)
- District Led (2)
- Domain (3)
- Dome (9)
- Double Glass (4)
- Draper (6)
- Drum Shade (1)
- Drums and Clouds (7)
- Durrell (12)
- Dwyer (2)
- Eclipse (31)
- EdgeLit (1)
- Elevate (20)
- Elina (5)
- Ellyson (2)
- Emblem (4)
- Emergency (1)
- Emergency Exit Combo (2)
- Enclave (6)
- Equinox (22)
- Era (4)
- Esteem (3)
- Etched Glass (1)
- Etched Glass Close-to-Ceiling (6)
- Eva (2)
- Everlume (8)
- Evoke (8)
- Exit Sign (1)
- Exit Signs (3)
- Fermi (3)
- Finesse (3)
- Finn (3)
- Fiorentino (3)
- Firebox (3)
- Fitter (9)
- Fleet (3)
- Fleurette (3)
- Flourish (3)
- Fluorescent (3)
- Flush Mount (3)
- Fontayne (12)
- Fortune (1)
- Foster (4)
- Foton (3)
- Fresnel Lens (18)
- Galley (4)
- Galloway (4)
- Garris (6)
- Gather (26)
- Gauge (3)
- Geodesic LED (3)
- Gilliam (24)
- Glass Cones (2)
- Glass Domes (8)
- Glass Globe (7)
- Glass Globes (1)
- Glayse (10)
- Glimmer (16)
- Globe (1)
- Globe LED (8)
- Goodwin (10)
- Gresham (7)
- Greyson (4)
- Gulliver (20)
- Haas (6)
- Hall & Foyer (3)
- Hangar (12)
- Hansford (7)
- Harmony (3)
- Haven (2)
- Heart (11)
- Hedgerow (8)
- Helm (5)
- Hemsworth (6)
- Hinton (20)
- Identity (1)
- Indi (4)
- Indulge (5)
- Industrial (3)
- Inspire (35)
- Inspire LED (4)
- International (1)
- Intrinsic (5)
- Invite (18)
- Ion (4)
- Janos (2)
- Jeffrey (2)
- Joy (24)
- Judson (8)
- Keats (11)
- Kellwyn (10)
- Kempsey (6)
- Kene (8)
- Kensington (14)
- Kylo LED (8)
- Lahara (3)
- Laila (5)
- Laird (12)
- Landree (10)
- Laramie (4)
- Lassiter (10)
- Latrobe (6)
- Lattimore (4)
- Lavelle (2)
- Le Jardin (5)
- Leap (14)
- LED (7)
- LED Alabaster (6)
- LED Dome (4)
- LED Flush Mount (29)
- LED LC Wrap (2)
- LED Linen (7)
- LED Pro-optic (17)
- LED Recessed (15)
- LED SqFM (4)
- LED Square Glass FM (8)
- LED Strip (2)
- LED Wrap (2)
- Legend (15)
- Leyden (8)
- Linear Cloud (4)
- Litchfield (6)
- Lockhart (2)
- Loftin (2)
- Looking Glass (3)
- Lowery (8)
- Lucky (11)
- Madison (22)
- Maier (19)
- Malbec (3)
- Marcella (1)
- Marche' (3)
- Mariposa (6)
- Markor (15)
- Markor LED (2)
- Marque (4)
- Mast (6)
- Mauldin (4)
- Medal (5)
- Meeting Street (4)
- Melbourne (3)
- Melon (43)
- Melon Glass (3)
- Merge (1)
- Merry (4)
- Mesh (2)
- Metric (6)
- Mill Beam (2)
- Mingle (5)
- Mingle LED (7)
- Mobi (1)
- Mod (2)
- Modera (1)
- Moderna (2)
- Modular Fluorescent (6)
- Monogram (6)
- Montecello (1)
- Montgomery (1)
- Navarre (1)
- Nealy (4)
- Neat (4)
- New Bedford (1)
- Nisse (6)
- Noma (14)
- North Park (8)
- OnSHore (2)
- Opal Globes (1)
- Opal-Linen (4)
- Open Trim (7)
- Orbitz (7)
- Oribitz (1)
- Orrizo (2)
- Overbrook (4)
- Painted Finish (2)
- Palacio (6)
- Palmero (2)
- Parkhurst (9)
- Parlay (2)
- Passage (2)
- Pavillion (5)
- Pembroke (2)
- Penn (8)
- Perimeter (11)
- Phase 3 LED (6)
- Phase 4 LED (8)
- Piedmont (4)
- Pivot LED (4)
- Planck LED (4)
- Point Dume Moonrise (1)
- Point Dume Rockdance (4)
- Point Dume Sandbar (2)
- Point Dume Shearwater (3)
- Point Dume Tapia Trail (2)
- Point Dume Wandermere (1)
- Point Dume Windbluff (1)
- Point Dume Yerba (3)
- Portal (6)
- Portal LED (2)
- Prescott (1)
- Prismatic Glass (5)
- Pro Optic (13)
- Pro-Optic (18)
- ProgressLED (1)
- Prosper (3)
- Provence (1)
- Pure (2)
- Quadrant LED (2)
- Rae (3)
- Rainey (6)
- Random (10)
- Range (4)
- Ratio (6)
- Re-Bar (2)
- Recessed (19)
- Remix (4)
- Renovations (6)
- Replay (24)
- Revive (6)
- Ribbed (3)
- Ridge (3)
- Rigsby (4)
- Riley (6)
- Riverside (3)
- Rock-On (1)
- Rockdance (2)
- Round Clouds (4)
- Round Glass (2)
- Roxbury (2)
- Rushton (4)
- Saluda (12)
- Santiago (5)
- Saucedo (6)
- Savor (5)
- School House (4)
- Semblance LED (4)
- Semi-flush (2)
- Seneca (10)
- Sequit Point (2)
- Signal (2)
- Silva (12)
- Simple (2)
- Sinclaire (2)
- Singleton (5)
- Snap-In Fitter (2)
- Soiree (2)
- Spatial (6)
- Spicewood (3)
- Spirit (14)
- Spoke LED (4)
- Square (2)
- Squire (2)
- Status (8)
- Staunton (9)
- Stockbrace (3)
- Stratham (3)
- Stroll (1)
- Surfrider (2)
- Swansea (2)
- Sway (3)
- Swing (10)
- Tally (7)
- Terrazzo (2)
- The Pointe (5)
- Thorpe (2)
- Tilley (10)
- Tinsley (16)
- Tobin (10)
- Topsail (18)
- Torino (20)
- Torres (3)
- Transit (5)
- Tre (6)
- Trestle (4)
- Trimble (18)
- Trinity (32)
- Turnbury (4)
- Union Square (3)
- Van Buren (3)
- Verona (1)
- Vertex (27)
- Vestique (2)
- Victorian (1)
- Victory (1)
- Vinings (3)
- Waystar (2)
- Weaver Led (6)
- Wemberly (1)
- West Village (10)
- Westfall (6)
- Westport (2)
- Whisp (3)
- White Acrylic Globes (3)
- Willow Creek (1)
- Winslett (14)
- Wisten (23)
- Zag (4)
- Zin (3)
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Number Of Tiers
Bulb Type
Number of Bulbs
1 bulb (1051)
3 bulbs (477)
2 bulbs (348)
5 bulbs (240)
4 bulbs (219)
9 bulbs (135)
1 bulb (1051)
2 bulbs (348)
3 bulbs (477)
4 bulbs (219)
5 bulbs (240)
6 bulbs (121)
7 bulbs (7)
8 bulbs (42)
9 bulbs (135)
10 bulbs (4)
12 bulbs (31)
15 bulbs (14)
16 bulbs (4)
17 bulbs (1)
20 bulbs (1)
21 bulbs (1)
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60 Watts (61)
100 Watts (9)
75 Watts (5)
25 Watts (5)
20 Watts (4)
65 Watts (3)
1 Watts (1)
100 Watts (9)
11.5 Watts (1)
12 Watts (2)
15.5 Watts (2)
17 Watts (3)
18.6 Watts (2)
19.5 Watts (1)
20 Watts (4)
20.6 Watts (1)
23 Watts (1)
24 Watts (3)
25 Watts (5)
250 Watts (3)
28 Watts (1)
3.2 Watts (1)
30 Watts (1)
32 Watts (2)
38 Watts (1)
4 Watts (2)
43 Watts (1)
6.5 Watts (2)
60 Watts (61)
65 Watts (3)
75 Watts (5)
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